A Humorous Thursday Post

Hello dear blog readers!

So, tonight I learned some things. First, I am not a caterer. My methodical kitchen mise en placeĀ (French for “putting in place”, meaning doing all the prep work before you begin cooking) leaves a little something to be desire on the timing front.

Secondly, I searched Pinterest today for a recipe and happened upon one that contained a recipe for “cranberry salsa”. I thought it seemed in keeping with this time of year, and just different enough to be awesome. It might be. It’s either going to be the best thing that’s come out of my kitchen or the most vile. Time will tell.

Anyhow, I spent most of tonight grocery shopping for an event that I’m helping to host on Saturday and then the rest of the night concocting the aforementioned festive salsa. My feet hurt, my hands smell like cilantro, and my eyes are still stinging from cutting up a whole bunch of green onions. Again, my life is very hard.

Because of this, I am swapping my normal Friday Funnies for a Humorous Thursday Post. These are much like the Friday Funny posts, but they happen on Thursday.

I’ll let you know how the cranberry salsa comes out. If you think of it, say a little prayer for me. But for now, I leave you this super delightful clip from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.


P.S. The last sketch kills me every time.

